[Download] Three UK’s Samsung Galaxy S II Gets Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Update Via Kies

Three UK has officially confirmed that they have started pushing out the Android 4.0.3 Ice cream Sandwich Update for its Samsung Galaxy S II handsets. You need to upgrade the upgrade the handsets by connecting it to a PC with the Kies software installed. Check out the more info and download the Android ICS update by following the instructions provided here.

[Download] Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 Ice Cream Sandwich User Guide Available Now

Sammy has released the Android Ice Cream Sandwich User Guide for the Samsung Galaxy S II GT-I9100 handset, detailing all the new ICS features, such as Bluetooth 3.0 HS functions, FOTA service, Slide lock function, Face Unlock feature, network settings and much more.Check out the more info and download the ICS user guide of the Galaxy S II handset from here.