Google “Project Glass” features Detailed; Coming with Camera, Navigation, Music and More

Google “Project Glass”

It has ben rumored that Google was testing Google Goggles in its secret Google X labs and it is also being heard that it will come with a side-mounted display instead of something more fully-immersive. Finally, just a few moments ago, Google has officially unveiled its “Project Glass”, giving us a first look how well this technology actually works, but it will not be available for ale in the near future. Google’s “ Project Glass” is a project from the Google[x] team that aspired to make your daily life completely hands free and the project is still in early development phase.

With the help of Google “Project Glass”, you may receive a notification on screen in glasses and then let you respond view voice-to-text. According to the promo video, it will also let you take a picture of any moment and share it with Google+ or any social network. It will also have Google Maps navigation and the ability to make video calls. However, the Mountain View is preparing a different approach here to create a whole new type of device.

Google hasn’t yet announced its release plans of these Google “Project Glass”. In fact, Google is looking for input from the users. We can’t stop scratching our heads on how this is supposed to work

Google “Project Glass”


Source: Google

1 thought on “Google “Project Glass” features Detailed; Coming with Camera, Navigation, Music and More”

  1. When will these be available for reorder? I know many people think that they are idiotic but I like them. So yes, when they come out I will be lining up like all the other sheep to get a pair, bahhh.


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