Free Minesweeper and Sudoku Xbox Live Games Now Available On Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 Minesweeper gameWindows Phone 7 Sudoku game

Microsoft has launched two new free Xbox Live versions of popular games, Minesweeper and the Sudoku. The games can be downloaded free of cost from the Windows Marketplace. The only catch being, they are “ad-supported”. The thought of “why would a biggie like Microsoft release a game with ads?” beats our logic.

But then, how many free games could you find in the Windows Marketplace? Not so many, right? For all the game lovers, who wants to paly some simple games other than the usual graphics stuff and other premium paid games, this could be a big relief. Both the games are Xbox Live editions meaning that the users can take advantage of the powerups and achievements other than just playing them.

Minesweeper, a game popularized with the advent of Windows OS (as all of the Windows OS versions since Windows 3.1 had it pre-installed) is a simple looking game where in the user need to unearth all the squares that do not contain mines. The Windows Phone 7 version of the game has 2 modes: Classic and Speed with each of them having 4 levels to clear. And who doesn’t like Sudoku? The Windows Phone 7 version of this popular Japanese game will have two modes: Classic or Lightning.

Both these games are currently available for the users in the U.S. only.


[Source: Windows Stream Blog]

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