Windows 8 Coming with Built-In App Store?

Windows 8 App Store Screenshot Leaked

Folks over the Chinese based cnBeta website have again posted the screenshots of the upcoming Microsoft Windows 8 operating system. Leaked shots the rumored Microsoft Windows App Store have revealed some exciting details. It appears that the Windows 8 will be launched with its own “Windows App Store”. You can see the screenshots show an app with the name Windows App Store.

We can also see the “Angry Bird” inclusion in the above screenshot, along with IE, Windows 7 OS, Security Essentials, as well as third-party apps like Opera 11. According to sources, the Windows App Store would handle standard features like account management and software updates, as well as providing capabilities such as the ability to duplicate the applications and settings across the various devices.

Microsoft has been fighting over the "App Store" trademark that should be ready for users in time, since Apple released the Mac App Store and now Apple is also fighting with the Amazon after the giant retailer launched its own Amazon App Store. Lets hope the legal battle among the Apple, Microsoft and Microsoft will end up in peace.

[Source: cnBeta, ZD Net]

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